
Quarantine Stories - Farmers of Yepocapa

Produced, filmed and edited by Yepocapa based CodigoFilm and crew, this short film follows a local farmer as he grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic, the travel restrictions, a changing market, government issued curfews and logistical challenges of maintaining such perishable products. 

Questions and answers From the Filmmakers:

This person (Gerber) was chosen because he was one of the most affected jobs, this sector was tremendously hit and we take as an example Antonio Agustin Together with his father, to represent all the farmers who in one way or another were affected.


In the course of the quarantine time, they stopped taking care of their crops, the crops were lost because they could not leave their homes, the farmers as such saw the problems that were accumulating pass over time, they said they did not know how. The next harvest would go, Agustín comments that he and his father had invested a lot of money in their crops, money that at some point was loaned to a bank, this made the situation more difficult.

During the quarantine they tried new things, such as: delivering fruit at home or arriving earlier than usual at the market so that the few people who came to buy at the market, a market that was then transferred to a soccer field municipal.


For Antonio Agustin and his father, they saw the difficult situation, due to the losses that not being able to sell their product represented, but they also learned to have new ideas, such as going out in their car to sell their product to all the villages:

Antonio Agustin comments: It was hard, but thank God we are gradually managing to overcome the losses that Covid-19 represented for us, the pandemic taught us that nothing is safe in these times, now times can change overnight. tomorrow and we must be prepared to adapt to any circumstance of life!

This production as such had its great difficulties, one of them was that to make the story as real as possible we had to travel to where Antonio Agustin and his Father harvested the product, this was difficult because in times of quarantine everyone was sheltered in their homes and everyone was afraid to go out, so it was difficult to get a car to take us and transfer us, Antonio Agustin’s father was a person who saw us and said: “I will help you guys, you can see that you want to work and if this is your job I will do my best to give you your hand” (Lend your hand: it is a very cordial way of saying that we are going to help someone from the heart here in Guatemala ), thanks to the help of him he helped us rent his car and he offered himself as the driver, this for us was like winning the lottery in hard times of Covid-19.

The other difficulties we had were adapting to the heat and in the place where Antonio Agustin and his father harvest, because for reasons of adaptation of the fruits they harvest their products on the south coast, in a place called, La Maquina, It is a place where the heat is very strong but for the type of product they grow it is very good.

What affected was that we needed tools and most technology stores were closed, this made it difficult because we needed powerful PCs to be able to edit the movies. Benjamin as such: a good friend named Hosea helped him to be able to buy his pc so that he could edit the quarantine videos. Marvin: He had to lend a PC from an Institute where he worked in 2020, it was the server of the laboratory where he taught, thanks to the directors who gave him the opportunity to take the equipment home, he was able to save and edit the film.

The most interesting thing would be for the public to value the work of the farmers, since it seems to be a simple job, but when we need this product on our table, we realize its value.

This pandemic taught many that as simple as work may be, it is a great blessing to have it and we must strive to work with love.

About Guatemala, how amazing its people are, most Guatemalans are hard-working, they get up early to go to work and are always in a good mood, if they see a Guatemalan brother in trouble, they help them, they always lend a hand, for us. one of the most valuable things we have in our country is its people.

Yepocapa is no exception, they have the essence of Guatemala, but unlike other departments in Guatemala, they have barbaric courage since the volcano of fire has ruined the lands to harvest, they have known how to adapt and are getting ahead with new ones. crops and new ways to survive, yepocapa has something interesting, and it is that it lives under the skirts of the volcano of fire, this is very beautiful to behold, but it is also dangerous due to the constant eruptions of the volcano of fire, but with all that, His people always have that unique and special thing, the courage to get ahead in the face of adversity.

The Filmmakers

Benjamin Tucubal Gomez

Marvin Coxolca Simon

In this Film

  • Gerber Antonio Agustín Sujuy.
  • Santos Bernardino Agustín Zum.


La Maquina – Yepocapa, Chimaltenango, Guatemala


4 Canton 4-97 San Pedro Yepocapa, Chimaltenango GT
